Historical Costumes [caption id=u0022attachment_2079u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Pink Silk Kirtleu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_2071u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022131u0022 caption=u0022A Grey u0022Mockadou0022 Gownu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1621u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022A Kirtle of Brown/Green Woolu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1136u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Pink Working Class Kirtleu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_438u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Florence 1505-ishu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_424u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Green Working Class Kirtleu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_713u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Fitted English Gownu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_920u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Black Velvet Tudor Gownu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_832u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Black Venetian Gownu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1872u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022A Pair of Bodies (Corset)u0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_713u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Work In Progress: 1540u0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_943u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Work in Progress: 1573u0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1060u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Work in Progress: Red Velvet Florentine Dressu0022][/caption] Fantasy u0026#038; Movie Costumes [caption id=u0022attachment_903u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Red Riding Dress from the Princess Brideu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1311u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Death from Sandmanu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1319u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Plum Pirate Gownu0022][/caption] Costumes for Others [caption id=u0022attachment_793u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Rococo Inspired Gownu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_817u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Black Diamonds Costume from Moulin Rougeu0022][/caption] [caption id=u0022attachment_1085u0022 align=u0022alignleftu0022 width=u0022150u0022 caption=u0022Renaissance Bodiceu0022][/caption]
Lace and Embroidery
Research and Tutorials
Vintage Clothing
Sewing Videos
The woman behind Centuries-Sewing currently resides in Florida, U.S.A. The costume habit started when she was six or seven years old and her cousin showed her Labyrinth on Vhs. The love of poofy dresses and masks stuck with her even if it took several more years before she realized she could make them. Growing up she read folklore, mythology, and Shakespeare coupled with a mid 90′s diet of television with vampires, immortals, warrior princesses. It wasn’t long before she was writing her own stories and plays, role playing in the backyard, and chasing her friends with (wooden) swords. She is self educated in sewing, pattern drafting, and draping and holds an Associate’s Degree in Interactive Media.
Contact Me
Note my costumes are currently not for sale, at some point I may part with a few of them. If so I will post about it. I sometimes take commissions on a case-by-case basis, depending on what is going on in my life. If you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me. I am happy to answer questions or talk shop. Contact me: CenturiesSewing at -take out the spaces and replace at with @
Death From Sandman
Death From Sandman