Centuries-Sewing Historical Costumes and Clothing

Sleeves and perhaps a doublet

Brown Wool Kirtle

I have finished the sleeves for the brown turns out it is actually green wool kirtle. All they need is lacing rings or pins to keep them on and then I’ll be able to take some photos. I used version 34873434 of my basic sleeve pattern that I’ve tweaked and adapted over the years. They are a bit loose to make sure I can bend my elbow when I have my smock on. Cause flexibility is a wonderful thing!

I might have just enough wool left over to make a doublet, but I won’t know for sure until I find my doublet block, which has once again disappeared from all existence. I have no idea if I still have the muslin mock ups I used for that pattern. So some Spring, er Fall cleaning in due for the tiny corner that serves as my sewing space. I’ll take photos of the space if I ever get it clean enough to photograph. Thread bits and dust and bottle of glue and scissors can really take up some space when they want to.


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